At VDS, every function is vital to our success, but within our team there is a small group of specialists who combine nutritional and veterinary knowledge with commercial and logistical skills, and who, let's face it, have a little taste for travelling: our NUTRITIONISTS. Geert, Oscar and Gilles, our three animal feed experts, never stay still. Whether they're at office, visiting customers in Belgium or abroad, or working on our experimental farms, their daily lives are anything but routine.
But what exactly does a nutritionist do at VDS? Let’s find out in this article.
Varied days and a full agenda
At VDS, nutritionists play a key role in the creation and management of product formulas such as premixes and additives. Their mission? To continually adjust these formulas in response to price variations or raw material shortages. The aim is to provide formulas that are both economically optimised and nutritionally effective.
But their role doesn't stop there. These experts always keep an eye on the latest trends and developments in the animal feed sector. Thanks to their in-depth knowledge of market needs, they are able to innovate by creating new concepts and additives to respond to future expectations.
But their work is not confined to the office. A VDS nutritionist is first and foremost a field expert. When a new concept is being developed, our nutritionists are closely involved at every stage, especially during practical trials on partner farms. From preparing the equipment to taking precise measurements (weighing, monitoring animal growth, etc.), they work rigorously to ensure reliable and relevant results in realistic conditions.
At the same time, our nutritionists remain in close contact with our customers. They visit them regularly to assess the effectiveness of the products and adjust the formulas if necessary. This collaboration ensures that results are maximised and that solutions can be quickly adjusted if necessary, contributing to optimum performance for our customers.
Development and testing of new products
Each new product is rigorously tested on our experimental farms before being launched on the market. The tests are carried out on two groups of animals: one group receives the new product, while the other receive a control ration. This comparative methodology allows us to objectively measure the effects on the animals' growth and health. These results are then used to validate the effectiveness of the product before it is sold, so that only the best products reach our customers.

Constant monitoring to stay up to date
To stay at the cutting edge of innovation, our nutritionists regularly attend conferences, study days and webinars organised by research centres and partners in the sector. They closely follow scientific developments and new regulations affecting animal feed and stay up to date by reading specialised articles and digital magazines. This constant monitoring enables them to anticipate changes in the sector and offer our customers solutions that are ever more tailored to their needs.
Tomorrow’s challenges
The future challenges facing the VDS nutrition team are many, and often related to the carbon footprint. Some of the issues being investigated at the moment include reducing methane and nitrogen emissions through feed optimisation, finding alternative protein sources to soya, developing low protein feeds and testing vitamin E substitutes. Although these challenges are complex, our team is determined to find innovative and sustainable solutions tailored to tomorrow's needs.
A need, a question?
Do you have any questions or specific needs? Our nutritionists are at your disposal to advise you and support you in your projects. Don't hesitate to contact them, they will be delighted to put their expertise at your service.