How can I increase milk production among my cows?
Today’s milk prices are high. Despite the higher incomes this has resulted in for dairy farmers, achieving a profitable feeding regimen remains a challenge. This is due to the substantial price increases in raw materials, energy, fertilisers and transport. In an endeavour to cut back on expenses, dairy farmers have a tendency to give their cattle less concentrated feed. In market circumstances such as these, achieving the highest possible efficiency in terms of animal feed is of crucial importance. VDS Premix responds to this with a view to increasing the amount of milk produced per kilogramme of feed.
The environment and price increases
In addition to the towering increases in the prices of raw materials with which we are all having to cope, weather conditions have also been producing an adverse effect on the quality of feed. These days, longer droughts and hot spells are more common than in the past. This is also something to which farmers have to respond. One way of getting cows to produce as much milk as possible with as little feed as possible is to enhance their nitrogen efficiency. This can be done by better balancing the animal’s amino acids.
Amino mix for cattle
VDS Premix has developed a unique amino mix: a mixture of rumen-resistant methionine and rumen-resistant lysine, which can be added to the animals’ feed rations. Feeding cattle this amino mix ensures that they immediately receive the right amount of methionine and lysine. The dosage can also be flexibly adjusted when changing rations. Is the quantity of amino acids in your ration decreasing? Add more amino mix, or vice versa. One thing is certain: cows benefit from supplementing these deficits:
Amino mix increases nitrogen efficiency, which means that cows are able to produce more milk protein from the same amount of feed. This is because more nitrogen is transferred to the milk.
This optimises the negative protein balance for cows at the start of their lactation period.
Healthier follicles grow in the cow’s uterus, which increases fertility and results in a better pregnancy rate.
Additionally, the cow’s liver is healthier, resulting in fewer metabolic disorders (such as ketosis).
An increase in milk protein
One of our customers started giving his cows our amino mix in October 2021. The result? In the following months, the milk protein per cow per day increased significantly. This is illustrated in the graph below, which clearly shows how many kilogrammes of milk protein a cow produced per day in the last two years. In addition, nitrogen efficiency at this farm increased by no less than 20%!
Kilogramme of milk protein per cow per day over a two-year period

Would you also like to optimise your cows’ milk production?
This is possible, thanks to VDS Premix’s amino mix! If you would like more information about this unique composition, complete the contact form below. Our nutritionists will be happy to be of further assistance.
Don't hesitate to contact us!